Prison Programs
Healing the Sacred Hoop (Coffee Creek Correctional Facility only)
- Re-entry and the Law (CCCF only)
- Native American Religious Services
- Special Guests
- Coordination of Annual Native American Events (State wide)
- Talking Circle (CCCF and DRCI)
Client Services
- Safe Pathways to Home Project
- Case Management
- Securing Oregon ID
- Mentoring (active clients only)
- Resources Information (Specify county)
- Referrals to Other Agencies
- Clothes Closet
- Assistance with Filling Out Forms
- Job Search (clients only)
- Legal Assistance (select cases only)
- Emergency Release Transportation
- Red Lodge Transition Center for Women (Clackamas County)
- Assistance with filling out application for housing assistance (county specific)
Behavioral Health Focus
- Substance abuse
- Becoming trauma informed
- Healthy Boundaries
- Mindfulness skills
- Self Actualization
- Positive role modeling
Assistance With Transition Planning
- Coordination with DOC transition counselors
- Emergency Clothing Upon Release
- Emergency Transportation From Correctional Facility to Public Transportation, Parole and Probation Office, or Transition Housing Facility.
If you are interested in the above services, services are dependent upon availability of volunteers within the area to which you will be released. Requests must be submitted in writing to Red Lodge Transition Services, be specific to individual need, and received two to six months prior to your release date.
Mentoring Program
Assistance in Filling Out Specific Forms
- Riding Public Transportation
- Answering Frequently Asked Questions Associated With Re-entry
- Navigating Through the Re-entry Process
- Living Clean and Sober
- Parenting Skills
- Role Modeling
- Strengthening Community Involvement
- Encouragement and Positive Motivation
- Constructive Behavior Practices
Mentoring Program
Assistance in Filling Out Specific Forms
- Assistance with filling out forms
- FAQ associated with reentry
- Navigating the reentry process
- Clean and Sober living
- Parenting skills
- Role modeling
- Skill building
- Community service
If you are interested in receiving mentoring support, services are dependent upon availability of volunteers within the area you are releasing to. Requests must be submitted in writing to Red Lodge Transition Services. Please be specific in regard to what you feel you will need assistance with upon release.
Native American Prison Art Project
This project was founded in 2007 as a unique opportunity for bridging prison with community. We asked Native men and women incarcerated in several Oregon prisons to donate their artwork for public display. Art allows people who are otherwise invisible to be seen and heard. This project has been very successful in helping us promote public awareness and education on incarceration and the barriers to re-entry.
Color Images of Almost All Forms of Art
Short Stories
Friends of Red Lodge
- Traveling art show (if you have a possible venue for the art, please contact us)
- Care, catalog and maintenance of art
- Community education and awareness
- Poetry
- Short Stories
- Coloring book
- Friends of Red Lodge

Native American Positive Indian Parenting (PIP)
Offered in Coffee Creek Correctional Facility and Columbia River Correctional Institution
PIP is a culturally based parenting program, taught by National Indian Child Welfare Association (NICWA) trainers, and revives traditional ways of thinking, imprints holistic values, and provides an opportunity for combining traditional and modern day parenting methods. The PIP course through Red Lodge is expanded to 10 to 12 weeks, which allows us to bring in special guest speakers, like: Ed Edmo, a traditional story teller who shares the importance of reading to our children and passing on culture through oral traditions; baby board makers and advocates; and speakers who discuss the Boarding School Era, which stripped us of our traditional teachings and values.
The class is Native preference. 20 to 25% of the class participants are not Native and seem to be searching for a more traditional approach to child rearing. Capacity for each class varies, depending on the institution served and available funding. The response to PIP has been extremely positive! It is uplifting to know that our mothers and fathers, coming out of institutions, will be equipped with new tools to help them be better parents, grandparents and community members.
Legal Services Program
- Reentry and the Law (minimum unit CCCF)
- Referral for civil issues (clients only)
Reentry and the Law – Is an innovative and collaborative program designed by Julia Yoshimoto, MSW, JD, in 2013. Lewis-Clark School of Law graduate Julia and Red Lodge began collaborating on educating women on reentry challenges. Ms. Yoshimoto received a scholarship from Lewis-Clark School of Law, to design a one-year pilot project, specific to serving women incarcerated at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility.