Friends of Red Lodge-Individual Cards-Brother Wolf II

Friends of Red Lodge-Individual Cards-Brother Wolf II


#330 Brother Wolf II


Wolves figure prominently into the mythology of nearly every Native American Tribe. In most Native cultures. Wolf is considered a medicine being associated with courage, strength, loyalty, and success at hunting.


Artist: Jay Leaves in hands
Tribe: Choctaw/Tsalagi
Medium: Colored Pencil on Vellum
Year Created: 2011
Created at: Salimas Valley State Prison, CA.

Friends of Red Lodge, Friends of Red Lodge Art Collection.


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Availability: 7 in stock

All cards are printed on high quality card stock and are easy to write on. These cards make great gifts for family or friends. All card sizes are 4 1/4″ x 5 1/2″. Each card has a description on the back referencing the artist, the art or both.

Your purchases help support our (non-profit) causes for the Native Americans who wish to leave prison life behind and develop a new life in freedom, to learn more click here: Red Lodge Transition Center

Friends of Red Lodge supports environmentally friendly practices throughout the process. Such as, recycled paper to create this card, Envelopes are 100% PCW, Sleeves made from biodegradable material.