Friends of Red Lodge-Individual Cards-Hummingbird Medicine

Friends of Red Lodge-Individual Cards-Hummingbird Medicine


 #321 Hummingbird Medicine


Hummingbirds awaken us to the beauty of the present moment. As they dance the four directions, they awaken us to the medicinal properties of plants. Hummingbirds teach us how to draw the life essence from flowers. “They can teach us how to use flowers to heal and win hearts in love.”

Community Artist: Adrian Larvie
Tribe: Oglala Lakota


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Availability: 21 in stock

All cards are printed on high quality card stock and are easy to write on. These cards make great gifts for family or friends. All card sizes are 4 1/4″ x 5 1/2″. Each card has a description on the back referencing the artist, the art or both.

Your purchases help support our (non-profit) causes for the Native Americans who wish to leave prison life behind and develop a new life in freedom, to learn more click here: Red Lodge Transition Center